My friend asked me to make a 21st birthday card for her daughter. She wanted something beachy as she is always at the beach surfing. This is what I came up with.
I sanded back some Early Expresso Coordinations to make it look very, very rough. Of course I had to try some more brayering. I made the sun by masking after I had brayered a layer of Daffodill Delight. I then covered the sun and brayered the sky. The water was created by wrapping cotton around the brayer and then loading up with Indigo Blue. I ran it over scrap paper a few times to weaken the strength.The sand was squiggled with the White gel pen along the water's edge.
Next came my little surfer girl. She was made with White gloss card and I brayered it with Pink Pirouette. The surf board was brayered by masking one side and then brayering with Summer Starfruit. I then masked that side and brayered the other side with Primrose Petals. Her hair was cut from sanded Early Expresso coordinations card.
Zena, you're so talented!